Our Products

KRA Approved TIMS Ready Devices
We are an approved dealers of all KRA TIMS Ready machines such as Electronic Tax Register(ETR-Type A devices), Electronic Signature Devices(ESD-Type C Devices) ,Fiscal thermal receipt printers(Type B Devices) and Type D devices(all). We possess unrivalled product knowledge and skills by virtue of being KRA project partner since the year 2008 and nominated VAR for several TIMS ready machines.
Banking Equipments
We are a direct importer of various models of currency counting and validating machines. They help business owners to verify and authenticate notes and coins at the point of payment. These machines help minimize risks of receiving fake currencies as well as saving time on counting of daily collections. They range from note counting and sorting machines, note counting and validation machines, bill counters and sorters, multi-currency detectors as well as high-end cash center heavy duty machines.

Point of Sale Software
Our company is a direct importer of most point of sale hardware such as POS terminal, touch monitors, thermal printers, cash drawers, barcode scanners, barcode printers, pole displays, finger print readers etc. We also specializes in point of sale software ideal for supermarkets, wholesales, retail, hardware, hotels and restaurants, schools, salons, bakery, chemist, bookshops, boutique, lodges etc

eTIMS is an upgrade of TIMS which is a software solution that provides technological convenience to meet taxpayers’ compliance needs. eTIMS is accessed through various electronic devices including computers, PDAs, android pos terminals, online portal and smartphones, making it more convenient, user-friendly and flexible for businesses to use.
eTIMS is available for:
- VAT registered taxpayers who did not onboard TIMS and are facing challenges integrating with TIMS ETR devices.
- Taxpayers dealing in bulk invoicing and facing capacity/performance issues with invoice transmission.